Information and Disclosure

To conduct our practice legally we are required to inform you of the following facts and information:

Our therapy is available through the provision stated in California under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of the Business and Professions Code.

We are not licensed physicians, DO's or practicing medicine.

The treatment we provide is an "alternative therapy" or a "complementary therapy" to healing arts services licensed by the state.

Services to be provided are legal but not licensed by the state of California.

 The nature of services provided at the Refuge Reset:

Comprehensive Manual Therapy is:

  • a corrective manual treatment that aims to restore healthy position, mobility, and vitality of the tissues. The intention is to return the body toward its natural state.

  • a powerful means of identifying and addressing the structural components at the root cause or causes of pain, injury, disease, and dysfunction.

  • The intention is to play a supportive role in our client’s chosen health team which may include traditional and/or alternative modalities. We are not a standalone treatment option that will replace appropriate medical intervention.

  • supportive of the body's own self-organizing systems to facilitate an optimal state of health. The significance and value of this treatment can be found in its application toward health maintenance, degenerative diseases, and athletic performance. 

Nature of services includes but is not limited to the following: bodywork, massage, breathwork, breathing exercises, theragun massage,, self-massage, immersion therapy, saunas, heat and/or light exposure, and cold exposure.

 The underlying Theory:

There is an inextricable relationship between the structure and function of the body. The objective is to find and treat the related structures and mechanisms that are relevant and causative of the chief complaint or symptom. The theory of manual treatment is based on the study that shows through various techniques one can correct position, mobility, and vitality of the related structures which in turn will have a corrective effect on the function of the body and thereby reduce and resolve the symptoms and/or dysfunction. 

The theory of our treatment is based on ideology from massage, applied neurology, kinesiology, and biomechanics.  

 What to expect during your visit:

  A consultation dialog to determine the purpose and intention of your visit, such as:

  • Health maintenance and/or athletic optimization

  • Therapy of pathology or injury

  • Surgery and traumatic recovery

  • Support of degenerative diseases

  • A question and answer intake form of chief complains and history of symptoms and related events. A general survey of health issues, diagnoses, reports and the medical intervention you received throughout your life.

  • A physical assessment and analysis will be conducted with a methodology that includes

    • Relevant motion and functional testing analysis

    • Palpation testing of relevant structures within the musculoskeletal, cranial sacral, and nervous system

  • Gentle comprehensive manual therapy will be administered to the relevant systems and structures within the scope of our training.

  • Treatments that may include techniques affecting the musculoskeletal, cranial, sacral, visceral, fascial, ligament, articular, and nervous systems.

  • Upon completion of the first treatment we will relate our finding, structures treated, and prognosis if requested. 

  • The session will complete with a discussion of any questions you may have and dialog to determine an appropriate treatment plan if subsequent treatments are indicated. 

Education, Training, Experience

Ken graduated from Cal Poly in 2010 with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and a Minor in Biology. He is an American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiologist as well as being Z-Health certified and a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor. He is currently attending and still a student at the Canadian College of Osteopathy, a 4 year program to learn even more about the amazing connections in the human body and how to better care for patients who are dealing with pain, stress and anxiety.