Find someone who cares enough to teach you how to care for yourself.

Our approach

Refuge Reset offers a unique style and holistic approach to recovering from the stresses of modern living. Our combination of breathwork, neuroscience, and bodywork can help realign your body and calm the nervous system reducing pain, inflammation, stress, and anxiety.

We think it is simple and natural for humans to breathe deeply to regulate our body functions. The more we improve this most basic human capacity (breathing), the better we will manage life’s challenges.

This is why we have spent 16 years studying several areas of wellness to give you the most efficient tools to improve your breathing, reduce pain and inflammation, and ease stress and anxiety.

Our years of experience have led us to this conclusion: learning to breathe more efficiently is vital if you want a better life. Breathing is a fundamental need for all living creatures. We use our breath to communicate with others and survive. Still, we often forget about it when anxious or stressed because these emotions often come with a significant amount of tension, and this causes breathing to become difficult, almost like trying to run while holding your chest!

Breathing is for more than just athletes or gurus. Learning to breathe efficiently will help you better manage pain and maintain emotional stability in any setting, whether at work, school, on the field, or even in everyday life!

Give your nervous system a break

We start by listening to see if we're a good fit for your needs, then we assess how you are breathing, standing, and walking.

From there, we address poor breathing habits that can keep you in a perpetual cycle of stress because the body can’t heal when trying to survive. In addition, when your cells don’t get the oxygen they need, it causes a metabolic imbalance, which can be felt in pain, panic, and anxiety. Poor breathing mechanics can also stress the body’s joints causing wear and chronic pain in areas such as the low back, neck, and shoulders.

After addressing your breathing, we move into helping improve your body's structure and posture via bodywork. This helps remove stiffness and restrictions in the fascia and other tissues that can cause pain from joint misalignments and nerve impingements.

We then combine your improved breathing and alignment with inputs from your vestibular system (sense of balance), vision, and proprioceptive system (never endings in your joints, skin, and other tissue that tell your brain where you are in space) to make the work we do stick and last longer. Finally, and most importantly, we figure out what you can and should do at home to make lasting changes.

Let us help you connect with your body and mind in a new way in order to meet your needs with both online and in-person options.

Connecting you with us

What People Are Saying


The breathwork techniques I learned with Ken brought so much more awareness to my body and equipped me with the tools to help better manage my day-to-day stress levels. Knowing that a simple breathing practice that is all within myself could alleviate some of the back/neck pain I’ve been dealing with for so long left me feeling hopeful and empowered

— Allen R, Refuge Client


  • Any paperwork and images that you have concerning your issue should be brought in so that the team can have a look.

  • Yes, you can book and do all your sessions online via Zoom.

  • Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing or athletic attire.

  • At this time, there is no full-time receptionist at the front desk. Please come in, have a seat, and one of the practitioners will come out to get you before your appointment.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.