
A meticulously curated one-day retreat designed to revolutionize your breathing and, by extension, your life. 

Embark on a transformative journey with BreathScape:

Embark on a transformative journey with BreathScape: A Day of Mindful Breathing, a meticulously curated one-day retreat designed to revolutionize your breathing and, by extension, your life. In today’s world, where the simple act of breathing often goes unnoticed, we overlook its profound impact on our health, stress, and overall well-being. BreathScape is here to change that, offering you the keys to unlock the full potential of your breath and enhance your health and vitality through the power of mindful breathing.


  • 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Welcome & Opening Remarks

Beginning with a warm welcome, setting intentions for the day.

  • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Biomechanical Breathing

An extensive session focusing on understanding and leveraging the biomechanics of the diaphragm, ribs, sternum, and associated muscles for optimal breathing.

  • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Mobility and Self-Massage

Time dedicated to exercises and self-massage techniques designed to improve mobility and release tension, enhancing breathing efficiency.

  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Wim Hof Method Workshop

An expanded session exploring the Wim Hof Method, incorporating breathing techniques, meditation, and preparation for the ice bath, extending the time for deeper engagement and practice.

  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: The Ice Bath Experience

A lengthened ice bath session to thoroughly explore the benefits of cold exposure, ensuring participants fully experience and understand its impact in conjunction with the Wim Hof breathing techniques.

  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM: Nutritious Lunch Break

A generous lunch break to provide nourishment, rest, and an opportunity for community building.

  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Resonate Breathing

Delving into Resonate Breathing to achieve heart-brain coherence, emphasizing its benefits for emotional stability and cognitive clarity.

  • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Q&A Session

Ending the day with a Q&A session, allowing participants to ask questions, clarify their understanding, and discuss how to apply what they’ve learned in their daily lives.

Unlock the Power of Your Breath.

In today’s world, where the simple act of breathing often goes unnoticed, we overlook its profound impact on our health, stress, and overall well-being. BreathScape is here to change that, offering you the keys to unlocking the full potential of your breath and enhancing your health and vitality through the power of mindful breathing.


Date 11.9.24

Time 9am - 4pm

The Urban Hive

Meet your Instructors


Tori Jayne Poloski

Tori is an intuitive bodyworker, craniosacral therapist, herbalist, Ayurvedic lifestyle guide, & student immersed in the lineage of manual osteopathy. She is passionately in service to truth, nature, and freedom. Blending sacred energetics with the ecology of the body, her work is multifaceted & experiential, inviting you home to your deepest knowing.


Wahida Sharman

Wahida is a licensed Occupational Therapist and an internationally trained non-physician osteopath. As a Non-Physician Osteopath, Wahida brings a unique approach to healthcare that emphasizes the importance of holistic care and the interconnectedness of the body. Wahida currently practices Traditional Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Cranial Osteopathy, Visceral Normalization and Biodynamic Osteopathy. Through these hands-on techniques, she works to restore motion and balance, addressing not just physical issues but energetic imbalances as well.

She has always said “motion is lotion”, her goal is to create this mobility in all aspects of the body, mind and spirit.  Movement and other programs suggested for maintenance at home are equally valuable if not more. The practice of Traditional Osteopathy is a hands-on approach to access and understand dysfunction, normalize function, and restore health. 

Wahida also owns EPY Pilates in East Sacramento. She manages the studio and is the director of Pilate Teacher Training.  She has taught anatomy and breathing since 2008.

Ken O’Shea

Ken is a wellness expert and the founder of Refuge Reset, specializing in breathwork, applied neurology, and manual osteopathy. With over 16 years of experience, Ken helps people struggling with pain, stress, and anxiety realign their bodies, calm their nervous systems, and regain a sense of ease. His unique approach combines neuroscience, bodywork, and breath techniques to create lasting change in both physical and emotional well-being.

Ken’s background includes a B.S. in Kinesiology, advanced training in osteopathy, and certifications in the Wim Hof Method and Z Health. Through his personalized sessions and workshops, Ken empowers clients to take control of their health, improve their breathing, and ultimately transform how they feel and move in everyday life.

Learn More

At BreathScape, we're committed to offering an enriching experience that enlightens and empowers you to transform your approach to breathing and overall wellness. Our retreat is centered around unique breathing techniques, supplemented by essential self-massage and mobility practices, designed to enhance your breathing mechanics. 

  • Resonate Breathing**

    Learn to achieve a state of coherence between your heart and brain, which reduces stress and improves mental clarity. This technique is vital for enhancing emotional stability and focus, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system to foster a deep sense of calm.

    Wim Hof Method**

    Experience the combined power of breathing, cold exposure, and meditation to boost your immune system, mental resilience, and energy levels. This method showcases the immediate effects of mindful breathing on physiology, teaching resilience and mental fortitude.

    Biomechanical Breathing**

    Master the biomechanics of proper breathing. Understanding how to effectively use your diaphragm, ribs, sternum, and associated muscles for breathing transforms your ability to take full, efficient breaths, crucial for daily wellness and peak performance.

  • Self-Massage Techniques**

    We teach self-massage techniques to release tension in key muscles involved in breathing, such as the diaphragm, SCM, pecs, lats, and intercostals. This directly improves your capacity for deep, efficient breathing.

    Mobility Drills**

    Focus on enhancing the mobility of the ribs, spine, and diaphragm to facilitate full lung expansion and deeper breaths. These exercises are key to unlocking your breath's full potential.

    Understanding the Science**

    BreathScape offers deep insights into the physiological impacts and the anatomy of breathing, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your breathing practices for improved health and performance.

Why Choose BreathScape?

Investing in BreathScape means investing in a skill set that will enhance your life's quality by improving health, wellbeing, and resilience. With our scientifically backed practices, you gain practical tools for transformative breathing, including techniques to boost athletic performance and cardiovascular endurance.

Join us at BreathScape to unlock new levels of health, vitality, and performance. Embrace this journey of discovery and transformation, where each breath brings you closer to your peak potential. Welcome to BreathScape, where your wellness journey begins with mastering the power of breath.



Is this class for everyone?

Definitely! BreathScape is thoughtfully designed to benefit everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or experience with breathwork. Our sessions are carefully tailored to be accessible and enriching for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, ensuring a warm and inclusive experience for all.

I’ve never worked on my breathwork. Can I still come?

Yes, you’re more than welcome! BreathScape is the perfect place to start your breathwork journey. Our experienced instructors are here to guide you through each technique step-by-step, ensuring you feel reassured and comfortable as you understand and practice each method.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict movement. Breathwork and mobility sessions require ease of movement, so flexible and breathable fabrics are ideal. For the ice bath experience, please bring a swimsuit and a towel.

Should I bring anything?

Besides comfortable clothing and a swimsuit for the ice bath, everything you need for the day will be provided. The day will start with a brief introduction to breathwork, followed by a series of guided sessions and activities, including breathwork techniques, mobility exercises, and the ice bath experience. We'll also have a lunch break and a Q&A session at the end of the day. You might want to bring a water bottle, a notebook, and a pen for any notes or reflections you’d like to jot down throughout the day.

Is there a lunch break provided?

Yes, a nutritious lunch break is included in your day. We cater to various dietary preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options. Please inform us in advance if you have any other dietary restrictions.

What if I have a medical condition?

If you have any medical conditions or concerns, please consult with your healthcare provider before attending. Additionally, we strongly recommend informing the instructors ahead of time so we can ensure a safe and supportive experience for you, prioritizing your security and well-being.

How can I prepare for the ice bath?

No special preparation is required for the ice bath experience. Our instructors will guide you through the Wim Hof Method breathing techniques beforehand to prepare your body and mind. The ice bath is a controlled and safe environment where you will immerse yourself in cold water for a short period. It's designed for first-timers and those experienced with cold exposure, and our instructors will be there to support you throughout.

Can I participate if I’m pregnant?

For safety reasons, we advise against pregnant participants engaging in the Wim Hof method portions of the experience. However, the rest of the BreathScape activities are beneficial and can be participated in with your healthcare provider’s approval.

Will there be time for questions?

Yes, we’ve dedicated a Q&A session at the end of the retreat. This is the perfect time to ask any questions, share experiences, and discuss how to integrate the practices into your daily life.

How do I sign up?

Visit our website at and follow the registration instructions. If you have any questions during the registration process, feel free to contact us directly through the contact information provided on the site.